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Changed project structure

We really wanted to avoid this, but with the soon-to-be-announced MongoDB backend we realized that our current project structure for djangoappengine-based projects makes portability between different nonrel backends and installation on MongoDB-based projects unnecessarily difficult. Please adapt your project to the new recommended structure. We've published detailed installation ...

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Official nonrel/NoSQL support in Google Summer of Code!

This is great news for Django developers who want to use non-relational DBs: Alex Gaynor got accepted for adding non-relational DB support to Django's ORM during Google Summer of Code! This means that we now have to make sure that the ORM changes are flexible enough to build a ...

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NoSQL panel on DjangoDose

DjangoDose has published a "callcast" about NoSQL support in Django. It's pretty interesting to learn about the different views on how far support for non-relational (NoSQL) DBs should go. Alex Gaynor wants to work on NoSQL backend support during Google Summer of Code and if he gets ...

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Writing a non-relational Django backend

In our April 1st post we claimed to have a simplified backend API. Well, this wasn't true, of course, but yesterday it has become true. The Django ORM is pretty complicated and it takes too much time for contributors to understand all the necessary details. In order to make ...

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Updates on djangoappengine

This post is a short update on new features we've added to our App Engine backend djangoappengine. So let's plunge in at the deep end. :)

New Features

First we added support for ListFields. You can use them in combination with any Django field type. Let's say you ...

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